Objective: To identify interventions being used to manage attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in the UK.
Design A survey within the Sheffield Treatments for ADHD. Research project.
A convenience sample of participants in the UK who consented to join an observational cohort were asked closed questions about medication, behavioural change programmes and service use, and an open-ended question about what else they used.
Setting: A broad variety of non-National Health Service, non-treatment seeking settings throughout the UK, including local authority organisations, schools, ADHD and autism spectrum condition support groups and social media.
Participants: Families of children aged 5–18 with carer reported ADHD and Conners Global Index (CGI) T scores of 55+.
Results: Responses from 175 families were analysed.
The mean age of the children was 10.21 (2.44), and two-thirds (n=114) had additional diagnoses. The majority used medications to manage ADHD (n=120) and had participated in a parenting class (n=130). Just over a quarter (28%, n=49) did not use ADHD medications, and used sleep medications. Just under half had consulted psychologists (n=83), and 32 had participated in other talking therapies such as psychotherapy, counselling and cognitive–behavioural therapy.
A few used aids such as reward charts or fiddle toys (n=17) and participated in activities (mostly physical) (n=14).
A substantial minority (78/175) had used non-mainstream treatments, the most popular being homoeopathy (n=32), nutritional interventions (n=21) and bodywork such as massage or cranial osteopathy (n=9).
Conclusions Families reported use of a wide variety of treatments to help with management of their children with ADHD in addition to their use of mainstream treatments.
For at citere: Fibert P, Relton C.
Hvad familier i Storbritannien bruger
at håndtere opmærksomhedsunderskud/
(ADHD): en undersøgelse af ressourcer
brug. BMJ Pædiatri åben
2020; 4: e000771. doi: 10.1136/
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