Homeopathy Research Institute (HRI) annoncerer her opdaterede resultater fra Dr Robert Mathies seneste klinisk evidens
ECCH skriver:
Randomised controlled trials (RCTs)
255 RCTs of homeopathic treatments for 136 medical conditions.
It is promising to see a slight increase in the volume of trials published per year, i.e. 14 RCTs in 2021, compared to 12 RCTs in 2020.
Double-blind placebo-controlled trials (DB-RCTs)
Considering only DB-RCTs in humans, published in peer reviewed journals (excluding prophylaxis and cross-over studies),
the analysis found:
2020: 140 trials on 86 different medical conditions
2021: 148 trials on 88 different medical conditions
148 RCTs of homeopathy (end of 2021)
Table overview

The 8 new DB-RCTs – 2 positive1,2 0 negative and 6 inconclusive3-8 trials – have resulted in a slight shift in the overall balance of evidence as follows:
Positive: ↓ 1%
Negative: ↓ 2%
Inconclusive: ↑ 2%
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